-=InterSkins - True site for true skins=-line
-=InterSkins - True site for true skins=-



The site was tested
(and perfectly poved itself!)
in the "Opera" browser
with the resolution

"1024 x 768"!

The site utilizes the fragment
from the song
"Skinhead Speaks His Mind"



Welcome! This resource has been created by an initiative of "International SkinHead Group".

Attention! Materials, represented here do not propagandize ideas of fascism, nationalism or extremism, with all their extreme levels. The authors proclaim complete abandoning manifestations of any of the aforesaid phenomenon. Besides, this resource is directed to dispel the stereotype, settled in the society basically due to the media, that all skinheads are Nazi. Fact - Skinhead cult is free from racial prejudice! Those, who do not agree with this statement, but still claiming to refer to the aforesaid cult - are actually not more than impostors.


If you use any materials from this site, it is recommended (and often compulsory!) to make a reference to the source . You should respect the work of others. All the questions, opinions, and wrathful letters should be sent to the interskins@nm.ru or written in the guestbook.




For the attention of the representatives of State structures! Topics, revealed on this resource are no way propaganda of violence. They are just a mentioning of facts and events, many of which are not approved by the authors. Non of the authors appears a "unique possessor" of information represented for You. Events, phenomenon, opinions, facts, and so on, covered on the site, are received from the open to general use sources. Authors regard skinhead, antifa and other related movements first of all as a social and cultural phenomenon, existing with all its advantages and, maybe, drawbacks already for a very long time. Authors come against any unjustified violence, manifestations of crime, racial prejudice, extremism and call everyone to respect generally accepted rules and moral principles.

In addition, for the most comfortable acquaintance with the site, you:
- should have lived for already more than 18 years;
- see the difference between NS, SHAR etc.
- possess your own point of view!


  WWF Russia.  




Copyright © Marmyrus & Rodnoy ["International SkinHead Group"] & Shish.




Hosted by uCoz